Narcissist Series Part 4 - Realizing It Is Not A Quick Fix
Hi Everyone,
I am finally back on schedule for the continuation of our Narcissist Series. There will be 3 more videos to the series which have been inspired by the correspondence between one of our Counsellor in a Box Customers by the name of A.W.
The topics A.W. discusses and the way of how he explains his views and experiences is amazing so I just had to share and continue on with the series in order to be able to get his information and messages out to everyone.
For today's video called Narcissist Series Part 4 - Time: Realizing That This Is Not a Quick Fix is exactly what the title says, I have included the Transcript of the Video below as well as the 1st email by A.W. by the same title.
Click on the Link Below To View The Video:
Hi It is Melody Chase, Co-author of our Counsellor in a Box Home Study Program. (
The next 3 parts of our Narcissist Series is going to be based on a series of emails by A.W. one of our Counsellor in a Box Customers whose wife left him for a Narcissist.
A.W. sent me an email called Time: Realizing This Is Not a Quick Fix and he really captured the feeling and reality of what it is like to realize that whatever caused your partner to become ensnared into the Narcissist's web is going to take a long time to unravel itself and the Narcissist is the Effect but the cause is a mixture of what was going on in your relationship, what was going on with you and what was going on with your partner.
So it is going to take patience and a lot of healing and courageousness on your part if you choose to remain open to getting back together with to your ex-partner.
We had another Counsellor in a Box Customer not A.W. but a female Customer who was prone to panicking and arguing and trying to prove to her ex-partner that they belonged together - after about 6 months she realized all she was doing was pushing her partner away more into the web that the Narcissist has spun.
Our customer was able to detach and her and her ex-partner got into a comfortable balance where her ex-partner after trying to do the best he could to push her away, once given the space came to her and was more honest about his feelings for her and that even though he always wanted to be with someone like this other woman - that had this other woman not hit all the right buttons to ensnare him that he never would have left his partner and that he did still love her and thinks about her all the time.
He was honest in believing that he could never leave the other woman because he was too wrapped up in her and he was sure that this is what he wanted but at least he was no longer saying whatever he could to push our customer away and our customer was at peace knowing that if one day if he was able to overcome his ego desires and fears as well as subconscious mind programs and imprinting and chose self-love over the Relationship addiction or external fix, distraction and searching as a result of his mid-life crisis that she knew he knew she was his home and she was his home as well.
So the two of them got along separately for the next year, the customer had moments where she would panic but for the most part she was living life to the fullest, working on her career and taking care of family, catching up with old friends and making lots of new ones.
Then at about the 1 and 1/2 year mark something began to shift in the customer - it is often common that after a break up at the 1 and 1/2 year point the person who is left behind gets to a point where they are ready to potentially carry on - although others say there is a correlation between how long you are in a relationship as to how long it takes a person to get over the relationship - we will be going over in more detail on that in one of our upcoming Narcissist Series Videos.
In any case the customer was at a new level of detachment and even though the customer is still in-love with her ex-partner she is feeling neutral about seeing other guys and even though it still fulfilling in other ways than with her ex-partner with these other men - at least she is open to whatever unfolds and has companionship.
Then a funny thing happened - instead of further detaching the Customer began to get impatient and demanding instead with her ex-partner and began trying to push him and use the fact that she had guys lined up down the street to force him to take action quicker.
Instead all she got was a devastating repeat of her ex-partner telling her the truth as to why he would never leave the other woman as if no progress had been made in the year and a half and this almost devastated our customer especially since she had been doing so well on focusing on removing a lot of her fears and patterns that had an influence on why they broke up in the first place and everything was thrown back fresh in her face again.
Since reading our Counsellor in a Box Program she knew it was her subconscious mind puppeting her ex, especially because of all the progress she was making, her subconscious mind which has a default program to keep things at a status quo (we all have this built in system) regardless whether this was beneficial to her or not - so if she was making a lot of progress this was an opportune time for the subconscious mind to throw whatever it could at her and see if she would break.
She recovered quite quickly but she realized in that moment whether she likes it or not - there is a process to healing and a process as well that her ex-partner has to go through in order to be able to resolve his mid-life crisis and until both of them are at the same level of higher consciousness and vibration and self-love and unconditional love that she was going to have to settle in and know and not be in resistance to the fact that the situation was not a quick fix and she was going to have to pace herself and be okay with time passing and know that if they are meant to be all of this will all be worth it at the end of the day.
In regards to mentioning that she was now interested in other men - she was being honest about it and this part of the discussion did work in her benefit because for the 1st time her ex-partner realized that there is a potential of her carrying on and he now did truly have to make decisions as to what he wanted to do in his life? - so the best thing she can do now from this point is allow events to unfold while having the confidence and patience that everything will work out for the Highest and Best.
The other question that a person may have is - well, if her getting another boyfriend may have caused a turning point with her ex-partner why didn't she just do this right away when her ex-partner 1st left for the other woman?
Although we will never know for sure chances are the ex-partner was too wrapped up in the other woman and did not have enough time to find out what he was in for with the Narcissist so nothing would have got through to him at that early stage of the game and being so soon after the break-up this would have created a situation where our customer would have been susceptible to a rebound relationship or being a target of an Narcissist herself due to the level of hurt and vulnerability she would have been in at the time.
At least at this point she has time to recover, find herself and her gain her confidence back and more and is able is able to determine whether she is ready to date and know what she is getting herself into.
We will go into more detail about whether a person should date or not when still interested in getting back with their ex-partner in an upcoming Narcissist Video.
In order to find more about the email that inspired this video - please see the comments section on my and below this video.
If you have any questions you can contact me or Robby at
Thank you, have a wonderful day and bye for now!
Melody Chase
Here is the Email mentioned in the Video by A.W.
Time: Realizing It Is Not A Quick Fix
Hello again Melody,
These points keep coming to me, this morning as I drive to work....
Time...when this situation explodes we (men at least) are in a hurry to fix, we panic and try to fix everything immediately.
In my experience I asked 'how long will this process take?'
It seems that there is possibly some science involved with calculating your recovery time related to how long you have been in your relationship, but nobody that I am aware of has done this research.
Anyway I was told that there was a correlation between the age your partner is when they slip of the rails and how long it lasts, but when I think about it there is probably also of a link between age and the length of the relationship. I was told that the duration for my wife (aged 50) was likely to be 3-4 years. Younger and it will be shorter, as if this thing has been brewing since childhood and finally pops.
It will be interesting if it is accurate.
When I heard this (3-4 years) I was horrified and wanted to just give up because it was so traumatic and I wanted it over and I was reactionary and almost insane. At age 58 you think you don??t have the time to waste, but this is not waste it is time to understand.
But what you must realize, as a partner, is that the process started a long time before you were aware. Thirty percent of this process has been brewing while you were dreaming. Now you are awake and in panic and calming down for the middle 30 percent (probably at least a year of turmoil) and then either you have killed the relationship dead (yes you) or you have detached and view the situation from a position of strength.
When (if) your partner comes out of this they will be looking for your strength and understanding, your unconditional love and forgiveness. It is not their fault, not your fault.
This is human development that skipped a stage and processes it later in life. (this is my view) .
I say all these things but I am not sure my own outcome will be positive, or if I will want to be with my partner of 30 years. But I will always love her in some way, that is clear and what I see in the past is all positive. a 30 year marriage is some success.
Actually even now the outcome is positive. I feel younger, have a more light attitude and I am more relaxed. It is a huge learning process, painful but I would not have missed it for the world.
Finally I understand more about women. But that is another subject.
Labels: affairs, cheating, Couples Help, How to Get Your Lover Back, inspirational, instructional, Narcissists, NDP, Relationship Advice Videos, relationship tips, relationships, tricks, Tutorials
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