Can Your Relationship Be Saved After Your Partner’s Midlife Crisis?
It is hard enough recovering, healing and regaining trust with your partner when he or she cheated on you but it becomes even harder if your partner has a midlife crisis and has left you for a period of time to be with someone else.
During the time of the midlife crisis you feel betrayed and abandoned, your partner doesn’t seem to care judging by his or her actions, everyone around you is mortified that your partner is doing this to you and your friends and family are hell-bent on making sure you don’t take your partner back ever.
The whole mid-life crisis seems so dark in nature and irreversible it almost seems impossible to even justify taking your partner back.
Yet there is something in your heart and soul that is telling you to hang in there and keep the eternal flame of your relationship lit.
Yet you wonder is it truly possible to have a future with your partner after so much potential damage has been done?
The answer is Yes – there are couples who have recovered from the mid-life crisis – the partner had to discover for him or her self what was truly in his or her heart and discover what was causing the emptiness in his or her life.
So once he or she is back, your next question will be – so where do I go from here?
The following are some important suggestions on how to successfully repair and rebuild your relationship.
1) Learn About What Causes Toxicities and Deficiencies in Relationships.
It’s nothing personal but a relationship is a mutual fulfillment of needs plus we are unique individuals with unique needs and have unique ways upon how we would like our needs to be met.
So you may have done everything in your power to give your partner what you think he/she needs or your partner may have even told you what his/her needs are or your partner may not even know what his/her needs are but in any case you may have been missing the mark in the area of successfully giving your partner what he or she wants in the way he or she wants it.
So now is the time to learn all about how people are unique and in particular what your partner’s needs, wants and requirements are. You also need to find out how to communicate clearly with your partner, learn creative negotiation techniques to fill in compatibility gaps as well as learn healthy, functional, unconditional love based approaches to having a relationship with your partner.
When all these areas are put in place not only will this help repair your relationship, but maintain and create a foundation for a new relationship to be created for you and your partner.
2) End Your Old Relationship and Start a Fresh New Relationship:
The reality is the original relationship that you had with your partner is never going to be the same and needs to be rebuilt from the ground or foundation up.
So it is best for the both of you to bring you old relationship to a close – all rules, agreements and past issues brought to an end and start fresh a new relationship where everything is created together by the two of you in ways that will work best for the both of you.
You can symbolically end your old relationship by removing, burying, throwing away or burning something that represents your old relationship and/or renewing your vows and deciding on something such as ring or a memento to represent your new relationship.
3) Maintain Your Social Network of Supporters
All because you and your partner are working on putting your relationship back together doesn’t mean that you don’t need your family, friends or support groups anymore.
There are times when you are going to need to talk about unresolved hurts and there are times when you will need to talk to others about how rebuilding your relationship is going so although you may be totally wrapped up in repairing your relationship with your partner, always remember to keep people around in your life to share with other than your partner.
4) Give Each Others Space When Needed
There is going to be a part of you that will feel like you never want to leave your partner alone for a second especially when you are just learning to trust your partner again.
However the reality is both of you (yes, even your partner) has been through a very trying and traumatic experience so if you or your partner feel like you need a little space to breathe it is important to honour these feelings.
Like anything in life, quality time is more important then the quantity of time so when both you are more relaxed and have the freedom to go at one’s own pace much more progress will occur in the rebuilding and repairing of your relationship.
5) Laugh and Have Fun Together
Every new moment is a new gift to create love, fun and happiness together so don’t miss out on opportunities to build wonderful memories of your renewed relationship.
Laughing, having fun and playing together recaptures the innocence of your relationship as well as reconnects the bond that the two of you once shared.
Following these five suggestions will all help to heal and inspire you and your partner towards having a new relationship that is safe and loving and once again the two of you will be able to share your eternal flame together.
Warm Regards,
Melody Chase
For more information on repairing and rebuilding your relationship including learning about your partner’s uniqueness, mutual fulfillment of needs and functional Relationship Mastery Skills such as Communication and Creative Negotiation Techniques check-out our Counsellor in a Box Home Study Relationship Program @ as well as our Free Relationship Advice and Relationship Video Tutorial Blog @
Labels: affairs, cheating, getting your lover back, infidelity, midlife crisis, rebuilding your relationship, relationship advice, relationship repair
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