The Love By Design Book Ezine

Tips, Idea, Insights and Strategies To Help You Find and Keep Your Companion for Life!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Relationship Advice: 7 Reasons Why Your Partner Chooses Not To Communicate - Part Two

In Part One of our Series we talked people simply being non-communicative by nature.

Now for Part Two Let’s Discuss People Who Are Conflict Avoidant for reasons for why you partner may chose not to communicate with you:

2) Conflict Avoidant:

There are certain personalities such as what is called the Amiable or Stabilizer personality whose natural disposition for harmony and for everyone to get along also causes them to be conflict avoidant.

Amiable personality people are not as dominant as some of the other personalities so they are just not going to have the urge to take the risk and stand up for their rights so they don’t end up communicating what their requirements, needs and wants are especially if they are with a dominant or competitive partner.

Plus if their partner is very reactive, or even just a little bit reactive this can cause an Amiable personality person to retreat into themselves or physically try to avoid their partner due to the amount of stress and discomfort they feel that a person of a different personality would not feel the same intensity of.

Another potential conflict avoidant person is the Analytical Personality Type Person. Analytical people are more dominant than an Amiable but otherwise are more passive then the rest of the personalities.

They are into rules and procedures and it is important for them to be right and for other people to go along with their rules.

Due to their Analytical nature and attention to detail they are also black and white, all or nothing thinkers and they make decisions in the all or nothing way leaving no room for grey or potential for creative solution above and beyond what they can logically understand and/or prove.

So if met with a conflict, Analytical people will deal with the situation one of
two ways - if it is something they are really passionate about and have more a dominant personality mixed in with their Analytical side or if they feel safe with who they are with they will argue their point until the cows home.

However if they are less dominant, been conditioned not to argue, are burnt -out from arguing all the time or is with someone who is too aggressive and reactive to their opinions, the Analytical person will keep his/her opinions to his or herself then one of 3 things will happen - the unresolved issue will fester and the Analytical will get more and resentful - resentful being something that is common since Analyticals are often more negative and cynical by nature.

The second thing that could happen is the repressed need or opinion gets added to the stack of the rest of the issues that the Analytical is holding in and this leads to emotionally shutting down and disconnection from their partner.

As well because of the Analytical’s black and white thinking whether it is one incident or twenty something in the Analytical snaps and he/she totally writes off his/her partner, the partner may feel it and see that the Analytical partner may no longer give his/her partner the time of day, but he/she has written off his/her partner and has just not said anything nor does he/she have any interest in telling him/her so because he/she is done and it no longer matters to him or her.

In Part 3 of our series will be discussing 4 reasons since they are shorter in length including – Your Partner is a Narcissist, Conditioned To Keep Things To Themselves, Burnt-out/Overwhelmed and Given Up.

Warm Regards,

Melody Chase

For more information about why couples don't communicate as well information about the different personalities and how to test to see what yours and your partner’s personalities are check out our Counsellor in a Box Relationship Rescue and Repair Home Study Program at

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