The Love By Design Book Ezine

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

How To Draw In Someone Who Is Totally Into You

Have ever wished that you could find someone who is just totally into you, finds everything you do fascinating and is interested in all things your are?

Sounds too good to be true? Don’t worry; if that is what you want, that is what you can have.

In many of our books and articles we talk about the Law of Attraction that says what you focus on expands and as well as like attracts like, therefore if you love yourself and find yourself interesting and fascinating, then you can and will draw in people who love you, find you interesting and fascinating. In order words, if you are totally in to you, you will attract others will be totally into you too.

Since you are a unique individual, you have to decide what is important to you, but to give you some ideas, the following are some tips as some of the areas that you can focus and choose to love yourself in:

Respect Yourself: In any relationship, respect is needed in order to have a functional relationship and in order for anyone else including your partner to be able to respect you, you have to be able to respect yourself.

Find Yourself Interesting: You would be amazed how if you find yourself interesting other people will pickup on your enthusiasm and find you interesting as well, even if you are not verbally expressing what it is that you are finding interesting about yourself. Best of all, if you want to find someone who has the same interests as you, this is the way to do it.

Fall In Love With Yourself: Remember when you first fall in love with someone the magic in the air, the wonderful energy you feel and the how you feel so whole and perfect because someone is in love with you and loves you for who you are? Well you can recapture and maintain the state of bliss if you fall in love with yourself. So when you attract someone into your life who loves you because you love yourself it is like icing on the cake.

Admire Yourself: If you ever watch and listen to a person talk about their partner who they admire you can hear and see their amazement and sense of wonder like their partner is greatest hero who they happen to be in love with? What a perfect stage for an expansive and supportive relationship if you can draw in someone into your life who admires you. What is they best way to do that? Admire yourself of course.

Take Care of Yourself: If you make the time and the decision to take care of yourself whether that is healthwise emotionally, psychologically or spiritually, this will set to the tone for when you draw in the person of their dreams. If you decide to take care of yourself you will draw in someone who supports and understand the importance of you taking caring of yourself.

These are just but for few examples, the important thing is that by focusing on yourself you at the very least will be a healthy person who loves and takes care of yourself and with the Law of Attraction set in play, you will also draw in a partner who is not only is the love of your life but also loves to be in your life.

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