The Love By Design Book Ezine

Tips, Idea, Insights and Strategies To Help You Find and Keep Your Companion for Life!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

What Happened to Britney Spears? Part 2

In What Happened to Britney - Part One, we discussed Theory #1 Shadowsides. Now in Part two we discuss Theory # 2, An Expressive Personality Rebound.

Theory # 2 An Expressive Personality Rebound:

Britney as far as personalities go, for sure is an Expressive Personality. Expressives are emotionally based, love people, dominant and friendly, love appreciation, approval, centre stage, change their minds a lot, and are charming, humorous and fun. They have excellent people skills.

An Expressive personality needs freedom, to feel that they are loved, people, appreciation, social situations, and spontaneity.

When Britney put her career on hold and had two children, one right after the other, it may have been very traumatic for her because she is an Expressive. This is because their freedom is suddenly and continuously being taken away even if she has nannies and help. Plus, with the media breathing down her neck, the incidents with her children and family service would also be very painful because she would be looking bad, something that Expressives cannot handle very well.

So when Kevin Federline got to continue partying, developing his career and spending lots of time with his friend, a classic powerstruggle as well resentment and jealousy occurs between the two Expressives (yes, K-Fed is also an Expressive) where one Expressive is forced to take responsibility and loses their freedom while the other Expressive gets to keep their freedom. Add that to any values and visions that Britney may have had that may not have worked out for her being married to Kevin, Britney may have been in a lot of emotional pain.

Now, the way that Expressives deal with pain is to seek social support. Often when an Expressive breaks up with someone, they will go out with friends, party and have fun, they will MAKE UP FOR THE FREEDOM THEY HAVE LOST.

Now in Britney’s case, (unlike Expressives that don’t live in the media spotlight) she happens to be in the spotlight all the time and all her friends happen to be in the spotlight all the time.

The good news is that once Britney has been able to release and heal a lot of the pain and trauma she has been through and feels like she has her freedom back, her life will balance out a lot more.

In Part Three we will go over Theory Three, “Patterns, possibly a family pattern.”
~ Melody Chase

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Monday, April 16, 2007

What happened to Britney Spears? The Britney and Kevin Story- Part 1
Now you may be wondering what Britney Spears has to do with relationships? Well, let me start at the beginning of what inspired me to write this article.

I was watching a little documentary about Britney Spears when she had just turned 21 years old. It was all about how financially successful she was at that point of her life and what her spending habits were like.

It was a wonderful documentary; Britney looked healthy and had a beautiful glow. She surrounded herself with beautiful, colourful clothes and beautiful homes. Her career was at a high point. Everything she did was easy and effortless and everything just seemed to flow.

The documentary showed the time sequence of how she continued to increase higher and higher in income and she had everything together even after breaking up with Justin Timberlake. Everyone being interviewed in the documentary spoke of her highly and with respect and no one sounded jealous or snarky no matter how much she would spend.

Fast track to today, in light of everything that Britney has been in the news for lately, you may wonder, what happened? Was it purely because she married and is now in the process of a stressful divorce with Kevin Federline? Was he a bad influence? Did he lower her vibration? Is it simply that she is suffering from Post Partum depression? Or is there, or was there more going on?

Well, I have three theories, each theory I will split up into three parts or articles. As an overview, my theories are 1) Shadowsides, 2) An Expressive personality rebound, 3) A pattern, possibly a family pattern.

For Part one lets discuss Shadowsides. Shadowside, for the purposes of our article can be explained as the idea that there are all aspects and energies of people within ourselves.

There are sides of ourselves that are either not dominant or are repressed and/or there are aspects about ourselves that we think that we cannot love for many different reasons. It is called the Shadowside because it is our hidden side, and also because people are often repressing or denying an aspect of themselves that they see in others. They may also consider it a Shadowside because it appears to be dark or negative to them.

We often will draw in people, places and things into our lives so we can become aware, understand, accept, appreciate and even forgive that aspect of ourselves. In doing so we return to remembering our wholeness.

In the case of Britney, it may have been her time to learn and embrace her Shadowsides. Sometimes a great increase of consciousness occurs when you are following your dharma and your higher self feels you are healthy and ready for change.

This may explain why as Britney was following her dharma as a Pop Star, she began to want to be become more and more provocative. After being in the Mickey Mouse club she was ready to experience and embrace the shadowside known as the sexy Brittney or going from the “good girl” to the bad girl. This may also be why she drew in a “bad Boy” such as K-Fed, so she can learn about opposite energy and that energy within herself.

Now I don’t know the details as to why they broke up, but she was definitely attracted to, loved and appreciated how Kevin was when she married him. She then may have appreciated him, but found out that it wasn’t her in highest and interested to be in a relationship with him. Even if she didn’t appreciate him at the time they separated and announced their divorce, as she heals and forgives she will be able to embrace the shadowside aspects of Kevin Federline, therefore being able to accept those energies within herself as well.

In Part Two, we will discuss an Expressive Personality Rebound.

Melody Chase is a Writer and Counsellor at the Centre for Life Management/ LMC Relationship Centre and Co-author of Love by Design. She can be reached by email at

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