The Love By Design Book Ezine

Tips, Idea, Insights and Strategies To Help You Find and Keep Your Companion for Life!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How To Stop Being Enmeshed With Your Ex- PartnerPart 4

Welcome to Part 4 of our 4 Part Series on “How To Stop Being Enmeshed With Your Ex-Partner.

In Part 3 we talked about the Importance of “Seeking Support Elsewhere”

For our Last entry of our Series let’s examine the importance of “Reminding Yourself That It Is An Abundant World.

4) Remind Yourself That It is an Abundant World:

Just as we mentioned under the last heading and as we explain in our Love By Design Book ( there is an abundance of people who can support you as well there is an abundance of people who would love you unconditionally and give you all your needs, wants and requirements in life – effortlessly and authentically – there is over 6 billion people in the world – why hold on to your ex-partner and get a fraction of your needs met when you can let your ex-partner go completely and get your needs met 100% and be in a full partnership with someone.

You may already be with someone and not realize that your new partner is here for you or there may be a new person waiting in the wings for you to release you ex-partner for good at an emotional, physical, intellectual and energetic level.

In any case if you find yourself in a similar situation as Paul and Danielle where one or both of you do not want to get back together and the reality is that your lives are going to cross paths for ongoing reasons such as sharing custody with the children, working at the same company (and a transfer or change of occupation isn’t possible at this time) or having relatives who are married or connected to your ex-partner’s family as examples – doing what you can to ensure that you are no longer enmeshed and remain that way is in yours and in everyone’s best interest.

If you have any questions, you can email us at

Warm Regards,

Melody Chase

Is He or She Your Destiny?

If You Are Looking For a Proven System to Help You Decide Whether You Should Stay or Go In Your Relationship Check-out our Love By Design Program Now at

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

How To Stop Being Enmeshed With Your Ex- PartnerPart 3

Welcome to Part 3 of our 4 Part Series on “How To Stop Being Enmeshed With Your Ex-Partner.

In Part 2 we discussed suggestion #2 about Creating Boundaries. Now for Part 3 let’s discuss “Seeking Support Elsewhere”

3) Seek Support Elsewhere:

It’s time to find support elsewhere – it is abundant world full of people willing to give you support whether that is family, friends, support groups for women, men, divorced people, parenting, grief counselling and don’t forget internet forums - it is amazing how many outstanding and professional relationship, parenting and dating forums that are out there who can help you and provide support who have been through and is going through what you are going through. An example of an excellent Relationship Website Forum that covers a multitude of Relationship Topics is LoveShack.Org Interpersonal Relationship Centre at

We understand that part of the hesitation is that you may never find someone who feels as natural as your ex-partner when it comes to support but a lot of that is really because of the safe feeling of familiarity of simply interacting with your ex-partner for so long and from the bonding experience of experiencing crisis situations with your partner.

Now is the chance to develop new healthy relationships based on familiarity and bonding created from unconditional love, support and healing instead of crisis.

As well, you will never lose the experiences good or bad that you had with your ex-partner, you were witnesses to each others traumas and came to each other’s rescue - be appreciative of that - even tell your partner that you appreciate everything that he or she has done for you and say thank-you but it is time for both of you to carry on and find new supportive systems. – especially if your ex-partner or yourself is in a new relationship.

In Part 4 of our 4 Part Series we will be discussing the importance Reminding Yourself That It Is An Abundant World.

If you have any questions, you can email us at

Warm Regards,

Melody Chase

Is He or She Your Destiny?

If You Are Looking For a Proven System to Help You Decide Whether You Should Stay or Go In Your Relationship? Check-out our Love By Design Program Now at

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