The Love By Design Book Ezine

Tips, Idea, Insights and Strategies To Help You Find and Keep Your Companion for Life!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Heaven at Home Melody

Every night I get a chance to sit with the Love of my Life, in a big cozy chair. We usually watch a movie or TV. It’s a lot of fun cause my Soul Mate tells me all the time how much she loves me and gives me little kisses and holds me close.

I am really a lucky duck.

However is it luck?? I don’t think so.

If you read my book True Love on Demand you will see that for years I was quite a “loser at love.

I would be in all these unavailable dysfunction people who were only somewhat available.

This was because I had little clue about the Relationship Game and How to use Universal Laws.

I was sort of a “moron” with using the Law of Attraction and I was in serious need of a book like “How to Use Universal Law & Principles for Dummies.”

Actually True Love on Demand and the private members club that goes along with that book as a bonus. As part of the inner circle you get tons of audio’s and transcripts that give you the 411 on how to be a modern day wizard.

In Cucan’s package with Tezin called Break the Code you will learn all about using the Law of Attraction and other Universal Principles to bring in the Love of Your Life.

One of the sources that straightened me out in using these laws and principles was a book called “The Message of A Master.”

In that package you get a PDF Version of that Book.

I have an audio version of the Book too which I listen to on CD in my Car as I drive around with Kitten. Often she holds my hand or knee and calls me “RobbyBean.”

She is a very happy cat and is very excited about life and talks about l the things we see while driving around as well as what is going on in around her ideas for creating even a better future for us and our writing projects and renovations.

She is a ton of fun to be with.

However, if I did not master this stuff, today I would not have all this love affection and fun, I could probably be alone or running in some version of what I used to get in relationships.

Its quite a different reality that can be create for me and any of us if you understand these laws and principles and have mastery of the Relationship Dynamic.

Cucan asked me to write an Instruction Manual for those studying the “Message of A Master” book and since I was a field trainer back in the day this was fun and easy for me to do so I wrote a manual that is included in that package called Insider Teachings for a Message of A Master.

If YOU are serious about “attracting in your Ultimate Soulmate” and having the type of Relationship and Love I have with Melody then I urge you to take a look at these resources.

I wish I had these Instructional Materials back in the 80’s I would of saved years of suffering through lousy relationships and I could of passed “Go” and collected the “Love of my Life” with out much fuss or muss.

Anyway check it out and email me on your progress and we can as you go along keep you on track so that you get all that your heart desires.

Warm Regards
~ Dr. Robby

Learn my proven strategies to choosing your RIGHT companion and to even KEEP him/her for life! Get access to all of the BEST relationship systems, methodology and technologies ALL IN ONE PLACE, plus I'll reveal to you the EXACT SAME system I've taught all my successful clients at my relationship Centre. You too CAN stop hunting down those Coaches or Counsellors, and learn ALL their trade secrets, including THOSE which they have been holding back from You! Click here To Get Your Love By Design!

THIS is the MOST Incredible Gift….EVER!!! A wealth of information which reveals all the secrets on how you can make all your wishes and dreams come true effortlessly! According to the creator of this amazing package, Tenzin, “THIS is no small thing! This is the “BIG TIME”…the GREAT WAY walked by all those who have awakened to FREEDOM, PEACE and ENLIGHTENMENT!” Apply for this invitation-only, private access exclusive club at Instant Wishmaker today! It WILL rock your world!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Choosing Fear or Joy

Do you have joy and laughter in your life, or do you have fear and anger? Do you like to watch happy movies and listen to people talking about their miracles, or are you drawn to fearful stories and news about disaster? If you can look at these choices and see which you are attracted to, you will know what creates your world around you.

If you are attracted to joy and light, your world is about peace.

If you are attracted to fear and darkness, your world is about turmoil. You can change your world simply by being conscious of what you are attracted to.

Walk away from darkness and fear; it is not real anyway. Instead, be vigilant for the light. The light is your reality.

Have you got True Love on Demand yet?

Why not have everything you desire? No one deserves it more! This book contains 12 simple yet profound lessons that will lead you out of a world of darkness and limitation into a world of light, abundance, and unlimited possibilities.

Take the journey into spiritual awareness with these lessons that Dr. Robby has received from Spirit.

Learn the secret behind the misperception of cause and effect.

Know that the power of creation exists within you, in yourability to choose and direct your thoughts and emotions.

This book can transform your life in 30 days.

~ Dr. Robby

Learn my proven strategies to choosing your RIGHT companion and to even KEEP him/her for life! Get access to all of the BEST relationship systems, methodology and technologies ALL IN ONE PLACE, plus I'll reveal to you the EXACT SAME system I've taught all my successful clients at my relationship Centre. You too CAN stop hunting down those Coaches or Counsellors, and learn ALL their trade secrets, including THOSE which they have been holding back from You! Click here To Get Your Love By Design!

THIS is the MOST Incredible Gift….EVER!!! A wealth of information which reveals all the secrets on how you can make all your wishes and dreams come true effortlessly! According to the creator of this amazing package, Tenzin, “THIS is no small thing! This is the “BIG TIME”…the GREAT WAY walked by all those who have awakened to FREEDOM, PEACE and ENLIGHTENMENT!” Apply for this invitation-only, private access exclusive club at Instant Wishmaker today! It WILL rock your world!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fait Du Complete

In many of our books and articles we talk about how certain personalities need their freedom more than other personalities. However, the truth of the matter is that all personalities will resist to different degrees when their freedom and their ability to make their own choices is involuntarily taken away.

One way how people’s freedom and choice is taken away is when one partner partakes in what we call a Fait Du Complete. For the purpose of this article we will be defining a Fait du Complete as being when one partner makes a decision that involves the other partner but doesn’t tell them about it until after they have made the decision.

If one partner uses the Fait Du Complete the partner on the receiving end of the FDC will react. Whether the reaction is great or small, the receiving partner is guaranteed to react.

The person who instigated the Fait Du Complete is usually wondering what the big deal is because they are getting what they and their own freedom and choices are not being taken away, so they have no idea what the other partner is going through.

So why do people use Fait Du Completes? The following are three possible reasons:

The C.A.P.

The C.A.P. Or Competitive Adverserial Paradigm is a belief system that the world is scarce there is a lack of abundance and not enough resources in the world for everyone, therefore everyone has to grab for the limited resources. They have been taught that the way to do that is to fight and compete for these limited resources and in order to survive and strive, they have to win. There is no such thing as a win, win, there is only win or lose.

People are so used to being in the C.A.P. and have been taught or just picked up the behaviors of others that they may be making final decisions on behalf of their partner without their partner’s input all the time and not even notice. They are oblivious to the idea that they are taking choice and freedom away from their partner. Even if the partner may have ended up agreeing with the partner who made to the decision without him, it is the uninformed partner who’s freedom and choice that has not been taken into consideration.

For example in the movie “You, Me and Dupree”, the husband pulled a FDC on his wife one night when he said ( I’m paraphrasing) “ Hi honey, I said to my best friend that he could sleep over… and oh yeah, by the way, he is already downstairs getting settled in.”

This of course took his wife by surprise and off guard- surprised that he made a hasty decision without her and- off guard because they were newlyweds and were not aware of Fait Du Complete and how to handle such a situation if it did come up. As for the husband, he was a nice guy and had a good intent, but he wasn’t aware of Fait Du Complete, he was just doing what everyone else does to him and to others in his environment, which became quite apparent as the movie continued.

Collateral Damage

Collateral damage is where the partner who is doing the fait du complete believes that it is for the other partner’s higher good in the long run and even though they are aware that their decision may potentially upset their partner, the long run outcome will out way the short-term damage or conflict. It is a form of caregiving, where the other partner’s power is being taken away and the partner who is doing the Fait Du Complete is still trying to get something out of what they are doing.

For example, say there is a couple, who we will call Mena and Chad.
Mena suffers from social anxiety and performance anxiety. So on days when she knows they are going to have guests or visitors come over, she spends most of the day stressed and goes through a whole anxiety ridden routine to prepare the home before people would come over.

So one time, Chad decides to give her a break and not tell her that someone was coming over till the last minute, that way she wouldn’t be fretting and going through a whole song and dance to get prepared. Deep down he also thought it was better for him because he found it annoying and distracting that she gets so worked up.

So sure enough, Chad didn’t tell her till 5 minutes before the guest arrived. So sure, Mena saved a day of fret and worry, but now she was shocked, taken off guard, unprepared, angry and felt betrayed. She was eventually able to work on her feet quickly, but she lost trust in Chad which is always a hard thing to regain.

No Choice

The partner doing the fait du complete feels like they have no choice in the matter and that if they told their partner what they were doing that the partner would not allow them to do so, so they are just going to have to do it anyway regardless of the outcome.

In most cases the person doing the Fait Du Complete is convinced that what they need to do is the only possible solution and they cannot see any other way. They also know in their mind that it is nonnegotiable with the other person, so if they want to do this very important thing or decision they are just going to have to do it.

An example would be with a couple we will call Callie and Stu. Stu is a spontaneous person, where as his wife Callie is more organized and cautious.

Stu one day came across the vehicle of his dreams. It was the type of vehicle that you’d only drive in the summer months; they lived in Winnipeg, what is notorious for cold, long winters. The car was also expensive. Stu knew that an impractical and expensive car was not going the get the ok from his wife, but he just had to have it.

They had a tight budget, but had just come into a sum of money from a relative, so Stu went and bought the car, then told Callie afterwards. Needless to say it didn’t go over very well with Callie.

So performing Fait du Complete takes a away the other person’s freedom, choice, sense of security, causes conflict and loss of trust, so is there anything for people can do stop themselves or their partners from using it?

Simple awareness sometimes works all by itself. Sometimes people are just not aware that they are using Fait Du Completes.

Being aware of the effects of using Fait Du Completes. Some people know that they are using it but just don’t understand the effects that it can have such as loss of trust, and preventing freedom and choice of the other person that can result in long term damage to the relationship.

Understand that there are always other choices and creative solutions, than trying to force or hide your intentions. Some solutions can be learning communication, conflict resolution and negotiation skills. If you are in a relationship with someone who is completely against negotiation, you may have to leave and find a partner who is more naturally compatible to your needs and wants or at the very least is open to negotiations.

You and/ or your partner can always draw in and create what you want in your environment by using the Law of Attraction and focusing on what you do want. This is seated in the Abundance Paradigm, where you can have whatever you want through creation versus trying to force or fight your way to what you want in the Competitive Adversarial way.

Having alternatives to Fait Du Completes is always beneficial to any relationship and help prevent any type of conflictual build up over time.

For more information about creating what you want in your relationship check out True Love on Demand at For more information on relationship mastery skills like communication, conflict resolution and negotiations check out Love by Design at

~ Melody Chase

Find out if HE or SHE is the one for you today! If you are a single, I'll teach you how to custom make your own, ideal relationship. If you are already attached, I'll teach you how to bring new passion to a long time relationship, heal a broken heart, or break down barriers that are keeping you apart! A complete manual more than 200 pages of information and contents used successfully by individuals and couples having real life challenges! If you are looking for a system that works in the real world, this is it. Grab your copy today. Click here!
Dream Come True

Magical free eBook has helped thousands of readers all over the world make their dreams and wishes come true! Discover how you can effortlessly manifest your desires in life the easy and FAST way!Make Your Dream and Wishes Come True! Download FREE.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Are You Playing The Relationship Victim? Take Our Test to Find Out!

Many of the couples that come to see us at the centre spend a great deal of time explaining and complaining about everything that they are going through, all of their the trials and tribulations. Each partner will take turns about how they are suffering and all the work and sacrifice that they are doing to work and save their relationship. They will point out that the other partner is causing all the problems, is selfish, has a bad intent and is not dedicated to changing or saving the relationship.

Rob, the Director/Head Counsellor of the LMC Relationship Centre, when he first starts seeing couples explains right off the bat that he works differently then most couples counsellors in the sense that he isn’t there to sit and listen for hours empathizing with the couple, but he is there to give them to knowledge to create what they want both individually and as a couple.

One of the ways he goes about that is by pointing out that couples often play the victim game in the relationship. If people don’t completely understand what he is trying to say they will often become offended thinking that he is either trying to invalidate their feelings or experiences or worst yet, that he suggesting that somehow they have a hand in their present relationship situation.

Rob explains to them, that yes they do have a hand in their present situation, but it isn’t a bad thing, in fact having this new awareness is actually the best thing that can happen to them because then they will have the power to create the relationship that they want whether that is with their current partner or with their next partner.

Most of us go through life on automatic pilot, not realizing that there is certain Universal Laws that are in effect as well as unconscious patterns. Two examples of Universal Laws include the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration. The Law of Attraction is where what is that you focus on you attract to yourself and The Law of Vibration is where what you are vibrating act is what you attract.

These two laws are constantly in the works, so basically anything you think about or focus on you end up drawing in or creating into your life.

So if you have certain negative belief systems about relationships you will draw that in, if you are focused on what you don’t want in a relationship you will draw that in and if you are in resistance to anything, often what we call a shadowside you will also draw that in. For example, if you consider yourself a nice person, you believe everyone needs to be nice and cannot accept that there are people out there, who are not nice, that’s who you will draw in.

Then if you have had childhood wounds or traumas that are unresolved, for example if your father abandoned you and your family when you were young, you may draw in partners into your life who abandons you. Then, there are patterns, which are often the most subtle than childhood wounds because we are so used to the pattern we won't recognize it right away. We pick up patterns from early childhood, generational patterns (Which can also include DNA patterns passed on thorough genes.) and experiences as we go through life.

All of these potential areas of don’t wants that may pop up and linger in your relationships, if you are not aware of them may seem to be things that they are coming from external circumstances, they are put upon you and you have no control or power against all these negative things that swirl around you.

So if you have no control over all these uncontrollable circumstances what else is there to do but to fight against the powers that be and try to protect yourself. However, often no matter how hard you work at it, no matter how you try to fight, you can’t seem to win, so you end up feeling like a victim.

As long as you believe you are a victim, even an innocent victim, you will not be able to truly change your circumstances; you will just be on the receiving end of whatever shows up in your life.

However, when you understand the fact that you are creating your reality, by your own thoughts and beliefs, as well as the beliefs put upon you and incorporated into your being is when the table is turned around.

If you are involuntarily creating your reality, that also means you can voluntarily and consciously create what you want, you hold all the power and you always have, it’s just it has never been revealed to you before.

So once you can go from the “Victim Paradigm”, to “I’m responsible for my reality Paradigm”, you know you hold your own power.

The following are the steps that are the most important steps to take as you return to your empowerment.

1) Awareness of whether you are in the Victim Paradigm:

Do you feel or do any of the following?

Feel Noble?
Feel like you are doing all the work?
You are doing all the sacrificing?
Your partner is the one who needs to change.
You are hard done by and put upon by your partner.
Your partner is the bad guy.
You are a nice person.
You are an innocent victim of circumstance and/or bad luck.
Can talk non-stop for 8 hrs about all the things that your partner is or isn’t doing to/for you.
Can talk for 8 hours nonstop about all the things you are doing to save or improve the relationship

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be in the Victim Paradigm.

2) Taking Responsibility: Take responsibility for your life from this point onward.

3) Find Out Who You Are: Find out who you are and what your needs, wants and requirements.

4) Find Out What Your Childhood Wounds, Patterns and Any Negative Beliefs About RelationshipsThat You May Have Picked Up From Others Are: Next, embrace, heal , remove and replace these dysfunctional beliefs with functional beliefs so you can be authentically who you are and not influenced by the past and other people’s beliefs.

5) Learn about Universal Laws: If which ones are automatic and which ones you need to align or incorporate in order to create the highest and best relationship.

For more information about finding out who you are checkout our Love by Design Book at and for more information about creating your life and relationship of your dreams check out

~ Melody Chase

Find out if HE or SHE is the one for you today! If you are a single, I'll teach you how to custom make your own, ideal relationship. If you are already attached, I'll teach you how to bring new passion to a long time relationship, heal a broken heart, or break down barriers that are keeping you apart! A complete manual more than 200 pages of information and contents used successfully by individuals and couples having real life challenges! If you are looking for a system that works in the real world, this is it. Grab your copy today. Click here!
Dream Come True Magical free eBook has helped thousands of readers all over the world make their dreams and wishes come true! Discover how you can effortlessly manifest your desires in life the easy and FAST way!

Make Your Dream and Wishes Come True! Download FREE.

Why Isn’t My Partner Increasing in Awareness or Relationship Skills?

You and your partner have been going to counselling together. You are absorbing everything that you are learning like a sponge and taking action to incorporate your new insights into your relationship and everyday life.

Your partner on the other hand doesn’t seem to be going along the same route or pace as you. They show up for the counselling appointments, they go through the motions and/or actually seem interested in what’s going on.

Then once they leave the office, it’s like everything they just experience is erased from their memory. This of course, makes it harder for you to work with your partner and you have no choice but just to work on yourself. Sometimes this gets hard because your partner isn’t supporting you are you as try to work on yourself, so you wonder, what is going on? Why does my partner have the memory span of a goldfish? (A goldfish has a memory span of 5 seconds).

More often than not, this is happening because of what we call C.A.M.U. This stands for Capable, Awareness, Motivation, and Understanding. In other words they may not be increasing in awareness or relationship skills because of they are not capable, they lack awareness, lack motivation or do not understand something. I will go over each one in turn as well as give some suggestions to as to who to work with these areas.

Capable: Sometimes people may not be able to understand or do what it is that is being asked of them. Aside from having a certain level of intelligence; it is often because people have certain communication modes. The following is a brief overview about Communication Modes

We learn, we express love and communicate through different modes or combinations of modes. You and your partner can be primarily one mode or a mixture of up to all four.

Visual people communicate by seeing and doing. They like activities and they like gifts. They notice people, places and things with just the slightest glance. They feel and share love by doing things with or for other people. They take things at face value and do not look deeper into things.

Auditory people communicate through talking. They have the natural gift of the gab, are designed to be able to talk for long periods of time. They enjoy talking and listening to other people talk. They feel loved when they are talked to, and like to hear the words I love you.

Digital people communicate through connection and understanding. The find the deeper meaning in everything they think, see and do. Understanding is very important to them. They feel loved when they share connections with others and are understood.

Kinesthetic people communicate through their bodies. They move, feel and express through their bodies. Kinesthetics love to touch, feel, physical activities and hugging. They feel loved when they are touched.

As an example about being capable is a person who is a Visual person who is into doing, seeing and taking things at face value may not understand what it means to understand a Digital person, since a Digital person is all about being understood. Another example would be a person who isn’t Kinesthetic and who is very uncomfortable with touching or being physically comfortable may not be able to fulfill the Kinesthetic’s needs which is to be touched, touched constantly or touched in a certain way. So no matter how much the partner or the counsellor explains to the non-kinesthetic partner that there partner needs to be touched, they are just not going to do it naturally or be comfortable about it.

Suggestions: Find out what your partner’s communication modes are and find out what your communication modes are in order to see whether your partner is capable of communicating in your communication mode.

Awareness: Would be where a partner doesn’t understand the cause and effect of their behavior or doesn’t believe, understand or agree that there is a problem. The partner therefore isn’t going to do anything about the situation because they don’t understand the consequences or doesn’t agree that there is a problem to begin with.


1) Ask your partner if they understand the cause, effects and consequences of their behavior or lack of behavior.

2) Ask them if they know what they problem is and if they are in agreement with the program.

Motivation: Similar to awareness, if there isn’t anything to motivate the partner to change, work with their partner or learn something new, then they are not going to put the effort in and/or there will be not enough motivating them to continue with the awareness and learning process. Basically, if they are pleasure centred and there is nothing that appears more pleasurable about what they are learning that moves them towards pleasure, then they will want to keep their current situation. If the partner is Pain Avoidance centred and the change that is expected of them seems too painful they will not more towards the change, but try to avoid it.

Often, whether the partner is pain or avoidance centred, often the motivation gets ac activated when their partner actually leaves the relationship.


1) Ask your partner if they are pleasure centred or pain avoidant.

2) Ask them what would motivate them in the relationship.

Understanding: At the centre what we have found is that we may be teaching or having discussions in the wrong communication mode for the partner to understand. So one partner may understand because they are on the same communication mode that we are talking in, but other partner is not picking it up, retaining or learning anything.

For example, we may be talking on an Auditory and Digital channel during a session, but one of they partners is Visual Kinesthetic. When asked, they explained that they learn the best by watching role plays, participating in role-plays or going and reading material on their own.

Or if we were dealing with a Digital person and just gave role-plays without explaining why we are doing what we are doing, a Digital person would get stumped and not able to pick up anything because they would need to understand first, as well taking material home to read, that also explains the system, and meaning of what we are doing and why.

Suggestion: Ask your partner which way they feel that they would be able to learn the best.

Our suggestions may sound simple enough, however sometimes simple is all you need in order to be able to find out if your partner can increase in awareness and join you in your relationship and life journey.

For more information about communication modes and how to test for communication modes check out our free e-course called the Top Ten Compatibilities for Relationship Success at .

~ Melody Chase

The Relationship Wizards BREAK the love code! Get your FREE instant private access today! Click Here!

Discover how you can easily get your true love on demand by learning the proprietary information in this ebook! Used and tested with success by thousands of people over the last 15 years, we are going to come clean and reveal the "formula" in this tell-all manual! You can stop failing in your relationship right from the start! Click here to get your true love ON DEMAND!