The Love By Design Book Ezine

Tips, Idea, Insights and Strategies To Help You Find and Keep Your Companion for Life!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is Your Partner a Male Diva? Part Six

Welcome to Part Six of our Male Diva Series. In our last post we talked about the importance of being your Male Diva’s #1 Cheerleader. Now for Part Six which is…

6) Have Fun – Create An Environment Of Fun: Expressives, (including Expressive males) middle name in “Fun”. They live and breathe for fun and it is one of their top values. So why not make the activities of daily life – fun?

For example - pealing potatoes? Make it fun, have the Potato Olympics where every time your partner peels potatoes, “time it” to see how long he takes (if there is skin still left on the potatoes, that’s o.k., it’s healthy for you.) Then the next time he peels, see if he beat his own personal time.

Cleaning? Put on his favorite music.

Got a cell phone? For no reason whatsoever just phone home while your still at home and get him to answer just to say “Hi”. In fact, just randomly call and say you miss him while you are out.

Watching T.V together? (Even if this normally bugs you) start commenting on the characters like you know them because Expressives just love people even people they don’t know.

There is no reason why we can’t be productive and have fun at the same time – in fact I have feeling that more productivity can be accomplished when people are having fun because everyone is more relaxed and more in the moment and aware of their surroundings.

For years, when I worked at a Marketing Research Firm, we were not allowed to do anything between phone-calls, not even doodle. One year the firm tried out a trial run where we were allowed to draw and read, do puzzles or write between calls and our productivity soared. Needless to say, we were allowed to do what we like between calls permanently after the trial was over.

Come back again for our Grande Finale of our 7 Part Male Diva Series.

Wishing You Fun, Freedom and Love,

Melody Chase

Are you in a committed relationship and are looking for communication tools so you can have that happy and harmonious relationship you have always envisioned? Check out our Counsellor in a Box Relationship Home Study Program at

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Is Your Partner a Male Diva? Part Five

Welcome to Part Five of our Male Diva Series. In our last post we talked about the importance of always empathizing with and validating your partner after your partner expresses how he feels. Now for Part Five which is…

5) Be Your Partner’s #1 Cheerleader in Public: Nothing devastates an Expressive more than being publicly humiliated – he just wants to be loved for who he is and he so definitely does not want to look bad in front of others.

So whatever you do don’t point out that his tie is crooked or there is BBQ sauce on his chin in front of others and don’t stand there with him in a group of mutual friends and start telling the funny story about how your partner stepped in a can of paint while painting the garage the other day. (This includes talking to your friends on the phone.)

Imagine that your partner is the President of the United States (o.k., even though right now you may be thinking – yeah right) and you are his Chief Press Secretary – your job is to raise him up and have people admire him for the wonderful person he is.

Come back again to find out what’s up for Part Six in our 7 Part Male Diva Series.

Wishing You Fun, Freedom and Love,

Melody Chase

Are you in a committed relationship and are looking for communication tools so you can have that happy and harmonious relationship you have always envisioned? Check out our Counsellor in a Box Relationship Home Study Program at

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